Devices semi-conductor


Physical elements of semi-conductor devices

Electric transition (Transition, Elektrischer Ubergang (Sperrschicht), Junction) – a transitive layer in a semi-conductor material between two areas with various types electrical or  different  values of specific electric conductivity (one of areas can be metal).

Электронно-hole transition (p‑n transition, pn‑Ubergang, P‑N Junction) – electric transition between two areas of the semiconductor,  one of which has electrical n‑типа, and another p‑типа.

Электронно-electronic transition (n‑ntransition, n‑n+‑Ubergang, N‑Njunction) – electric  transition between two areas of the semiconductor n‑типа, possessing various values of specific electric conductivity.

Дырочно-hole transition (p‑ptransition, p‑p+‑Ubergang, P‑Pjunction) – electric transition between two areas of the semiconductor of the p-type, possessing various values of specific electric conductivity.

The note. "+" conditionally designates area with higher specific electric conductivity.

Sharp transition (Steiler Ubergang, Abrupt junction) – electric transition in which thickness of area of  change of  concentration of  an impurity is much less than thickness of area of a spatial charge.

The note. As thickness of area understand its(her) size in a direction of a gradient of concentration of an impurity.

Smooth transition (Stetiger Ubergang, Graded junction) – electric transition  in which thickness of area of change of concentration of an impurity is comparable to thickness of area of a spatial charge.

Plane transition (Flachenubergang, Surface junction) – electric transition  which  the linear sizes  determining its area, has more than thickness.

Dot transition (Punktubergang, Point-contact junction) – electric transition, all the sizes long which less than the characteristic length determining physical processes in transition and in areas surrounding it.

The diffusion transition (Diffundierter Ubergang, Diffused junction) - the electric transition received as a result of diffusion of atoms of an impurity in the semiconductor.

Planar transition (Planarubergang, Planar junction) – diffusion the  transition formed as a result of diffusion of an impurity through an aperture in a blanket,  put on a surface of the semiconductor.

Conversion transition (Konversionsubergang, Conversion junction) – the electric transition formed as a result of conversion of the semiconductor,  the caused return diffusion of an impurity in the next area, or activation of atoms of an impurity.

Floatable transition (Legierter Ubergang, Alloyed junction) – the electric transition  formed in result вплавления in the semiconductor and subsequent recrystallization of metal or an alloy,  containing донорные and (or) акцепторные impurity.

Microfloatable transition (Mikrolegierter Ubergang, Micro-alloy junction) – the floatable transition  formed in result вплавления  on  small  depth  of  a layer of metal or an alloy, semiconductor preliminary put on a surface.

The brought up transition (Gezogener Ubergang, Grown junction) – электричеcкий the  transition formed at cultivation of the semiconductor from расплава.

Эпитаксиальный transition (Epitaxieubergang, Epitaxial junction) – the electric transition formed эпитаксиальным by escalating. Эпитаксиальное escalating – creation on a monocrystal substrate of a layer of the semiconductor keeping crystal structure of a substrate.

Heterogeneous transition (гетеропереход, Heteroubergang, Heterogenous junction) – the electric transition  formed as a result of contact of semiconductors with various width of the forbidden zone.

Homogeneous transition (гомопереход, Homogener Ubergang, Homogenous junction) – the  electric transition  formed  as a result of contact of semiconductors with identical width of the forbidden zone.

Transition Шоттки (Schottky Ubergang, Schottky junction) – the electric transition formed as a result of contact between metal and the semiconductor.

Straightening transition (Gleichrichterubergang, Rectifying junction) – electric transition,  which electric resistance at one direction of a current is more,  than at the friend.

Ohmic transition (Ohmischer Ubergang, Ohmic junction) – electric  transition,  which electric resistance  does  not depend on a direction of a current in the set range of values of currents.

Emitter transition (Emitterubergang, Emitter junction) – electric transition between эмиттерной and base areas of the semi-conductor device.

Collector transition (Kollektorubergang, Collector junction) – electric transition between base and collector areas of the semi-conductor device.

Hole area (p‑область, Defektelektronengebiet, P‑region) – area in the semiconductor with prevailing hole электропроводностью.

Electronic area (n‑область, Elektronengebiet, N‑region) – area in the semiconductor with prevailing electronic conductivity.

Area own  electrical (i‑область, Eigenleitungsgebiet, Intrinsic region) – area in the semiconductor, possessing properties of own semiconductor.

Base area (Base, Basisgebiet, Base region) – area of the semi-conductor device in which carriers of a charge are injected nonbasic for this area.

Эмиттерная area (the Emitter, Emittergebiet, Emitter region) – area  of the semi-conductor device which purpose(assignment) is injection of carriers of  a charge in  base area.

Collector area (the Collector, Kollektorgebiet, Collector region) – area of the semi-conductor device which purpose(assignment) is extraction carriers from base area.

Active part of base area of the bipolar transistor (Aktiver Teil des Basisgebietes eines bipolaren Transistors, Active part of base region) – a part of base area of the bipolar transistor in which accumulation or resorption  nonbasic  carriers of a charge occurs during their moving from emitter transition to collector transition.

Passive part of base area of the bipolar transistor (Passiver Teil des Basisgebietes eines bipolaren Transistors, Passive part of base region) – a part of base area of the bipolar transistor in which for accumulation or рассасывания nonbasic carriers of a charge time the greater is necessary, than time of their moving from emitter transition to collector transition.

The conducting channel (Kanal, Channel) – area in the semiconductor in which the stream of carriers of a charge is adjusted.

Source (Source, Sourse) – an electrode of the field transistor through which carriers of a charge flow into the conducting channel.

Drain (Drain, Drain) – an electrode of the field transistor through which carriers of a charge follow from the conducting channel.

Shutter (Gate, Gate) – an electrode of the field transistor on which the electric signal moves.

Structure of the semi-conductor device (Structure, Struktur eines Halbleiterbauelementes, Structure) – sequence of areas of the semiconductor adjoining with each other, various on type electrical or on value of the specific conductivity, providing performance by the semi-conductor device of his(its) functions.

Notes: 1. Examples of structures of semi-conductor devices: p­‑n; p‑n‑p; p‑i‑n; p‑n‑p‑n, etc.

2. As areas can be used metal and диэлектрик.

Structure metal - диэлектрик-полупроводник (Structure MDP, Metall-Dielektrikum-Halbleiter-Struktur (MIS-Struktur), MIS-Strusture) – the structure consisting of a consecutive combination of metal,  диэлектрика and the semiconductor.

Structure metal - окисел-полупроводник (Structure MOP, Metall-Oxid-Halbleiter-Struktur (MOS-Struktur), MOS-Strusture) – the structure consisting of a consecutive combination of metal,  oxide on a surface of the semiconductor and the semiconductor.

Mesa structure (Mesastruktur, Mesa-structure) – the structure having the form of a ledge, formed(educated) by removal(distance) of peripheral sites of a crystal of the semiconductor or escalating.

The impoverished layer (Verarmungsschicht, Depletion layer) – a layer of the semiconductor in which concentration of the basic carriers of a charge is less a  than difference of  concentration of the ionized donors and acceptors.

Locking layer (Sperrschicht, Barrier region (layer)) – the impoverished layer between two areas of the semiconductor with various types электропроводности or between the semiconductor and metal.

The enriched layer (Anreicherungsschicht, Enriched layer) – a layer of the semiconductor in which concentration of the basic carriers of a charge is more a  than difference of concentration of the ionized donors and acceptors.

Inverse layer (Inversionsschicht, Invertion layer) – a layer at a surface of the semiconductor in which the type conductivity  differs  from  type  conductivity in volume of the semiconductor in connection with presence of  an electric field of superficial conditions,  an external electric field at поверхностиили fields of contacts of a potential difference.


The phenomena in semi-conductor devices

                Direct direction for p‑n transition (Durchlassrichtung des pn‑Uberganges, Forward direction of a P‑N junction) – a direction of the appendix of a pressure(voltage) at which there is a downturn of a potential barrier in p‑n transition. A direction of a direct current in which p-n transition has the least resistance.

Return direction for p-n transition (Sperrichtung des pn-Uberganges, Reverse direction of and P-N junction) – a direction of the appendix of a pressure(voltage) at which there is an increase of a potential barrier in p-n transition. A direction of a direct current in which p-n transition has the greatest resistance.

Breakdown p-n transition (Durchbruch des pn-Uberganges, Breakdown оf a P-N junction)– the phenomenon of sharp increase in differential conductivity p-n transition at achievement by a return pressure(voltage) (current) of critical value for the given device. (Irreversible changes in transition are not necessary consequence(investigation) of breakdown).

Electric breakdown p-n transition (Elektrischer Durchbruch des pn-Uberganges, P-N junction eltctrical breakdown) – breakdown p-n the transition, caused by avalanche duplication of carriers of a charge or tunnel effect.

Avalanche breakdown p-n transition (Lawinendurchbruch des pn-Uberganges,  P‑N junction avalanche breakdown) – electric breakdown p-n the transition, caused by avalanche duplication of carriers of a charge under action of a strong electric field.

Tunnel breakdown p-n transition (Tunneldurchbruch des рn-Uberganges, Zenner (tunnel) breakdown) – electric breakdown p-n the transition, caused by tunnel effect.

Thermal breakdown p-n transition (Thermischer Durchbruch des pn-Uberganges, P‑N junction thermal breakdown) – breakdown p-n the transition, caused by growth of number of carriers of a charge as a result of infringement of balance between allocated in p-n transition and a heat removed(assigned) from him(it).

Modulation of thickness of base (Modulation der Basisbreite, Base thickness modulation) – change of thickness of the base area, caused by change of thickness of a locking layer at change of value of the return pressure(voltage) enclosed to collector transition.

Effect смыкания (" a puncture of base ", Durchgreifeffekt, punch-through) – смыкание the impoverished layer of collector transition as a result of his(its) expansion on  all thickness of base area with the impoverished layer эмиттерного transition.

Accumulation of nonequilibrium carriers of a charge in base (Speicherung von Uberschussladungstragern in der Basis, Minority carrier storage in the base) – increase in concentration and sizes of the charges formed by nonequilibrium carriers of a charge in base as a result of increase of injection or as a result of generation of carriers of a charge.

Рассасывание nonequilibrium carriers of a charge in base (Abbau von Uberschussladungstragern in der Basis,  Excess carrier resorption in the base) – reduction of concentration and sizes of the charges formed by nonequilibrium carriers of a charge in base as a result of reduction of injection or in result рекомбинации.

Restoration of direct resistance of the semi-conductor diode (Einschwingen des Durchlasswiderstandes einer Halblelterdiode, Forward recovery) – transient during which direct resistance of transition of the semi-conductor diode is established up to constant value after fast inclusion of transition in a direct direction.

Restoration of return resistance of the diode (Wiederherstellung des Sperrwiderstandes einer Halbleiterdiode,  Reverse recovery) – transient during which return resistance of transition of the semi-conductor diode is restored up to constant value after fast switching transition from a direct direction on the opposite.

The word "fast" is understood as change of a current or a pressure(voltage) in time, comparable or smaller by a constant of time of transient of an establishment or restoration of resistance.

The closed condition тиристора (Blockierzustand eies Thyristors, Off-state of a thyristor) – a condition тиристора, corresponding to a site of a direct branch вольтамперной characteristics between a zero point and a point of switching.

Open condition тиристора  (Durchlasszustand eines Thyristors,  On-state of a thyristor) – a condition тиристора, corresponding low-voltage and низкоомному to a site of a direct branch вольтамперной characteristics.

Non-conducting condition тиристора in the opposite direction (Sperrzustand eines Thyristors, Reverse blocking state of a thyristor) – a condition тиристора, corresponding to a site вольтамперной characteristics at return currents, on value smaller a current at a return pressure(voltage) of breakdown.

Switching тиристора (Umschalten eines Thyristors, Switching of a thyristors) – transition тиристора from the closed condition in open at absence of a current of management on a conclusion of a managing electrode.

Inclusion тиристора (Zunden eines Thyristors, Gate triggering of a thyristor) – transition тиристора from the closed condition in open at submission of a current of management.

Deenergizing тиристора (Ausschalten eines Thyristors, Gate turning-off of a thyristor) – transition тиристора from an open condition in closed at the appendix of a return pressure(voltage), reduction of a direct current or at submission of a current of management.


Kinds of semi-conductor devices

The semi-conductor device (Halbleiterbauelement, Semiconductor device) – the device, which action it is based on use of properties of the semiconductor.

The_power(force)_semi-conductor_device (Halbleiterleistungsbauelement, Semiconductor power device) – the semi-conductor device intended for application in power(force) circuits of electrotechnical devices.

The semi-conductor block (Semiconductor assembly) – set of the semi-conductor devices connected under the certain electric circuit and collected in a uniform design, having more than two conclusions.

Set of semi-conductor devices (Semiconductor assembly set) – set of the semi-conductor devices collected in a uniform design, not connected электрически or connected on the same conclusions.

The semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterdiode, Semiconductor diode) – the semi-conductor device with one electric transition and two conclusions.

The dot semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterspitzendiode, Point contact diode) – the semi-conductor diode with dot transition.

The plane semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterflachendiode, Junction diode) – the semi-conductor diode with plane transition.

Выпрямительный_the semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterleichrichterdiode, Semiconductor rectifier diode) – the semi-conductor diode intended for transformation of an alternating current in constant.

Avalanche выпрямительный the diode (Avalanche rectifier diode) – выпрямительный the semi-conductor diode with the set characteristics of the minimal pressure(voltage) of the breakdown, intended for dispersion during the limited duration of a pulse of capacity in the field of breakdown вольтамперной characteristics.

Rectifier the semi-conductor diode with controllable avalanche breakdown (Controlled-avalanche rectifier diode) – выпрямительный the semi-conductor diode with the set characteristics of the maximal and minimal pressure(voltage) of the breakdown, intended for work in the established mode in the field of breakdown of a return branch вольтамперной characteristics.

Rectifier a semi-conductor column (Semiconductor rectifier stack) – set выпрямительных the semi-conductor diodes connected consistently and collected in a uniform design, having two conclusions.

Rectifier the semi-conductor block (Semiconductor rectifier assembly) – the semi-conductor block collected from выпрямительных of semi-conductor diodes.

The pulse semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterimpulsdiode, Signal diode) – the semi-conductor diode having small duration of transients and intended for application in pulse operating modes.

The semi-conductor diode with sharp restoration of return resistance (Ladungsspeicherdiode, Snap-off (step-recovery) diode) – the semi-conductor diode accumulating a charge at course of a direct current and possessing effect of sharp restoration of return resistance which use for the purposes of multiplication of frequency and formation of pulses with small time of increase.

The diode with accumulation of a charge (Snap-off (step recovery) diode) – the pulse semi-conductor diode accumulating a charge at course of a direct current and possessing effect of sharp return restoration at submission of a return pressure(voltage) which is used for formation of pulses with small time of increase.

The tunnel semi-conductor diode (Halbleitertunneldiode, Tunnel diode) – the semi-conductor diode on a basis вырожденного the semiconductor in which the tunnel effect results in occurrence on вольтамперной to the characteristic at a direct direction of a site of negative differential conductivity.

The inverted semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterunitunneldiode, Unitunnel (backward) diode) – the semi-conductor diode on the basis of the semiconductor with critical concentration of an impurity in which conductivity at a return pressure(voltage) owing to tunnel effect is much more, than at a direct pressure(voltage), and the peak current and a current of a hollow are approximately equal.

The superhigh-frequency semi-conductor diode (UHF-Halbleiterdiode, Microwave diode) – the semi-conductor diode intended for transformation and processing of a superhigh-frequency signal.

        The Лавинно-flying semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterlawinenlaufzeitdiode, Impact avalanche-(and-) transit time diode) – the semi-conductor diode working in a mode of avalanche duplication of carriers of a charge at return displacement of electric transition and intended for generation of superhigh-frequency fluctuations.

The Инжекционно-flying semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterinjektionslaufzeitdiode, Injection (and-) transit time diode) – the semi-conductor diode working in a mode of injection of carriers of a charge in area запорного of a layer and intended for generation of superhigh-frequency fluctuations.

The switching semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterschaltdiode, Switching diode) – the semi-conductor diode having on frequency of a signal low resistance at direct displacement and high resistance – at the opposite, intended for management of a level of capacity of a signal.

The mixing semi-conductor diode (Halbleitermischdiode, Semiconductor mixer diode) – the semi-conductor diode intended for transformation of high-frequency signals in a signal of intermediate frequency.

The diode Hannah (Gunn-Element, Gunn diode) – the semi-conductor diode, which action it is based on occurrence of negative volumetric resistance under influence of the strong electric field, intended for generating and amplification(strengthening) of superhigh-frequency fluctuations.

The switching semi-conductor diode (Halbleiter-HF-Schaltdiode) – the semi-conductor diode intended for switching of high-frequency circuits.

The adjustable resistive semi-conductor diode (PIN‑Diode, PIN diode) – semi-conductor p‑i‑n the diode used for regulation of resistance in a path of transfer of a signal, which active resistance for a high-frequency signal is defined(determined) by a direct current of direct displacement.

The detector semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterdemodulatordiode, Detector diode) – the semi-conductor diode intended for detecting a signal.

The restrictive semi-conductor diode (Halbleiterbegrenzerdiode, Microwave limiting diode) – the semi-conductor diode with the avalanche breakdown, intended for restriction of pulses of a pressure(voltage).

Umnozhitelny the semi-conductor diode (Halbleitervervielfacherdiode, Semiconductor frequency multiplication diode) – the semi-conductor diode intended for multiplication of frequency.

Modulator the semi-conductor diode (Halbleitermodulatordiode, Semiconductor modulator diode) – the semi-conductor diode intended for modulation of a high-frequency signal.

Diode Shottki (Schottky-Diode, Schottky (-barrier) diode) – the semi-conductor diode, выпрямительные which properties are based on interaction of metal and the impoverished layer of the semiconductor.

Varicap (Kapazitatsdiode, variable capacitance diode) – the semi-conductor diode, which action it is based on use of dependence of capacity from a return pressure(voltage) and which is intended for application as an element with электрически in the controlled capacity.

The parametrical semi-conductor diode (the Parametrical diode, Halbleitervaraktordiode, Semiconductor parametric diode) – варикап, intended for application in a range of  ultrahigh frequencies in parametrical amplifiers.

Semi-conductor stabilitron (the Stabilitron, Ндп. Zener the diode, Kalbleiter-Z-Diode, Voltage reference diode) – the semi-conductor diode, a pressure(voltage) on which is kept with the certain accuracy at course through him(it) of a current in the set range, and intended for stabilization of a pressure(voltage).

Semi-conductor шумовой the diode (Halbleiterrauschdiode, Semiconductor noise diode) – the semi-conductor device being a source of noise with the set spectral density in the certain range of frequencies.

The bipolar transistor (the Transistor, Bipolarer Transistor,  Bipolar transistor)– the semi-conductor device with  two взаимодействуюшими transitions and three or more conclusions which intensifying properties are caused by the phenomena of injection and экстракции nonbasic carriers of a charge.

The note. Work of the bipolar transistor depends on carriers of both полярностей.

Бездрейфовый the transistor (Ндп. Диффузионный the transistor, Diffusionstransistor,  Diffusion transistor) – the bipolar transistor in which carry of nonbasic carriers of a charge through base area is carried out basically by means of diffusion.

The drift transistor (Drifttransistor,  Drif (diffased) transistor) – the bipolar transistor in which carry of nonbasic carriers of a charge through base area is carried out basically by means of drift.

The dot transistor (Ндп. The Точечно-contact triode, Spitzentransistor, Point contact transistor) – the bipolar transistor with dot transitions.

The plane transistor (Flachentransistor,  Junction transistor) – the bipolar transistor  with plane transitions.

The avalanche transistor (Lawinentransistor, Avalanche transistor) – the bipolar transistor, which action it is based on use of a mode of avalanche duplication of carriers of a charge in collector transition.

The field transistor (Ндп. The channel transistor, Feldeffekttransistor (FET), Field-effect transistor) – the semi-conductor device, which intensifying properties are caused by the stream of the basic carriers proceeding through conducting channel and controlled electric field.

The note. Action of the field transistor is caused by carriers of a charge of one polarity.

The field transistor with isolated gate (Feldeffekttranastor mit isoliertelem Gate, Insulated-gate FET) – the field transistor having one or several затворов, электрически isolated from the conducting channel.

The field transistor of type metal - insulator-semiconductor (the МДП-TRANSISTOR, MIS-Feldeffekttransistor (MIS-FET), MIS-transistor) – the field transistor with isolated затвором in which in quality изоляционного a layer between everyone metal затвором and the conducting channel it is used диэлектрик.

The field transistor of type metal - oxide-semiconductor (the МОП-TRANSISTOR,  MOS-Feldeffekttransistor (MOS-FET), MOS-transistor) – the field transistor with isolated затвором in which in quality изоляционного a layer between everyone metal затвором  and the conducting channel oxide is used.

The symmetric transistor (Bidirektionaltransistor, Bi-directional transistor) – the bipolar or field transistor keeping the electric characteristics at mutual replacement in the circuit: inclusions of conclusions of the emitter or a source and a collector or a drain.

Тиристор (Thyristor, Thyristor) – the semi-conductor device with two steady conditions, having three or more transitions which can be switched from the closed condition in open and on the contrary.

Diode Thyristor (Динистор,  Thyristordiode, Diode thyristor) – тиристор, having two conclusions from anodi and cathodic areas of semi-conductor structure.

Diode Thyristor, not conducting in the opposite direction (Ruckwarts  sperrende Тhyristordiode, Reverse blockings diode thyristor) – диодный тиристор which at a negative anodi pressure(voltage) is not switched, and is in a return non-conducting condition.

Diode Thyristor, conducting in the opposite direction (Ruckwarts leitende Thyristordiode,  Reverse conducting diode thyristor) – диодный тиристор which at negative anodi pressure(voltage) is not switched, and carries out(spends) the big currents at the pressure(voltage) comparable on value with a direct pressure(voltage) in an open condition.

Symmetric diode Thyristor (Диак, Zweirichtungsthyristordiode, Bi-directional diode thyristor) – диодный тиристор, capable to be switched both in direct, and in the opposite directions.

Triode thyristor (Тринистор, Thristordiode, Triode thyristor) – тиристор, having two conclusions from anodi and cathodic areas of semi-conductor structure and one conclusion from the manager.

Triode thyristor, not conducting in the opposite direction (Ruckwart sperrende Thyristortriode, Reverse blocking triode thyristor) – триодный тиристор which at a negative anodi pressure(voltage) is not switched, and is in a return non-conducting condition.

The note. For триодных тиристоров, not conducting in the opposite direction,  it is supposed to apply the term "тиристор" if the opportunity of other interpretation is excluded.

            Triode thyristor, conducting in the opposite direction (Ruckwarts  leitende Thyristortriode, Reverse conducting triode thyristor) – триодный тиристор which at a negative anodi pressure(voltage) is not switched, and carries out(spends) the big currents at the pressure(voltage) comparable on value with прямим by a pressure(voltage) in an open condition.

Symmetric triode thyristor (Триак, Zweirichtllngsthmstortrio, Bi-directional triode thyristor Triac) – триодный тиристор which at submission of a signal on his(its) managing electrode is included both in direct, and in the opposite directions.

            Locked thyristor (Abschaltbarer Thyristor, Turm-off thyristor) – тиристор which can be switched from an open condition in closed and on the contrary at submission to a managing electrode of managing signals of corresponding polarity.

Thyristor with инжентирующим managing electrode of  p-type (Anodenseitig gesteuerter Thyristor, É-gate thyristor) – тиристор at which the  conclusion of a managing electrode is connected to the p-area nearest to the cathode which is translated in an open condition at submission on a managing electrode positive, in relation to the cathode of a signal.

Thyristor with ннжектируюшнм managing electrode of  n-type (Anodenseitig gesteuerter Thyristor, N-gate thyristor) – тиристор at which the conclusion of a managing electrode is connected to the n-area nearest to the anode which is translated in an open condition at submission on a managing electrode negative in relation to the anode of a signal.

Avalanche триодный тиристор, non-conducting in the opposite direction (Avalanche reverse blocking thyristor) – тиристор with the set characteristics in a point of the minimal pressure(voltage) of the breakdown, intended for dispersion during the limited duration of a pulse of capacity in the field of breakdown вольтамперной characteristics of a return non-conducting condition.

Is combined - switched off тиристор – тиристор, switched off with the help of a current of management at simultaneous influence of a return anodi pressure(voltage).

Pulse тиристор (Pulse thyristor) – тиристор, having small duration of transients and intended for application in pulse operating modes.

Оптоэлектронный the semi-conductor device (Optoelektronisches Halbleiterbauelement, Semiconductor optoelectronic device) – the semi-conductor device radiating or преобразующий coherent either not coherent electromagnetic radiation or sensitive to this radiation in seen, infra-red and (or) ultra-violet areas of a spectrum, or using similar radiation for internal interaction of his(its) elements.

Semi-conductor radiator (Halblelterstrahler, Semiconductor photoemitter) – оптоэлектронный the semi-conductor device, преобразующий electric energy in energy of electromagnetic radiation in optical area of a spectrum.

Semi-conductor знакосинтезирующий the indicator (Semiconductor character display) GOST 25066-81

The semi-conductor receiver of radiation оптоэлектронного the device (the Receiver of radiation) – оптоэлектронный the semi-conductor device, преобразующий energy of optical radiation in electric energy from a semi-conductor radiator and working in pair with it(him).

Оптопара (Optoelektronischer Koppler, Photocoupler, optocoupler)– оптоэлектронный  the semi-conductor device consisting of radiating and photoreception elements  between which there is an optical communication(connection) and electric isolation is provided.

Резисторная оптопара– оптопара with the photoreception element, executed on the basis of the photoresistor.

Диодная оптопара – оптопара with the photoreception element, executed on the basis of the photo diode.

            Transistor оптопара – оптопара with the photoreception element, executed on the basis of the phototransistor.

Тиристорная оптопара – оптопара with the photoreception element, executed on  a basis фототиристора.

The semi-conductor device of display of the information (Lichtemitteranzeige (LEA), Semiconductor optoelectronic display) – a semi-conductor radiator of energy of seen area of the spectrum, intended for display of the visual information.

Differential диодная оптопара – диодная оптопара in which two relatives on determining parameters of the photo diode accept a light stream from one radiator.

Тиристорная оптопара with a symmetric output(exit) – тиристорная оптопара with symmetric диодным or триодным фототиристором.

The light-emitting diode (Lichtemitterdiode (LED), Light-emitting diode (LED)) – the semi-conductor diode radiating energy in seen area of a spectrum in result рекомбинации электронов and дырок.

The semi-conductor screen (Semiconductor analog indicator) – the semi-conductor device consisting of light-emitting diodes, located along one line and containing n lines of the light-emitting diodes, intended for use in devices of display of the analog and digital information.

The infra-red radiating diode (Infrarotemitterdiode (IRED), Infra-red-emitting diode) – the semi-conductor diode radiating energy in an infra-red range of a spectrum in result рекомбинации электронов and дырок.

Фототиристор – тиристор in which the photo-electric effect is used.

Optoelectronic the switchboard of an analog signal – optoelectronic the semi-conductor device consisting of a radiator and the receiver of radiation with the circuit of switching of an analog signal on an output(exit).

Optoelectronic the switchboard of loading optoelectronic the semi-conductor device consisting of a radiator and the receiver of radiation with the circuit of switching of a current on an output(exit).

Optoelectronic the switchboard of a direct current optoelectronic the switchboard of loading with the circuit of switching on circuits of a direct current.

Optoelectronic the switchboard of an alternating current оптоэлектронный the switchboard of loading with the circuit of switching on circuits of an alternating current.

Optoelectronic the switch of logic signals – optoelectronic the semi-conductor device consisting of a radiator and the receiver of radiation with the circuit of a logic key on an output(exit).

Linear optoelectronic the semi-conductor device – optoelectronic the semi-conductor device consisting from differential оптопары or two диодных оптопар and intended for transformation of signals, changing under the law of continuous function.

Октрон – optoelectronic the semi-conductor device in which optical communication(connection) between a radiator and the receiver of radiation is carried out on the open optical channel.

Reflective октрон – октрон in which the receiver of radiation accepts the light stream reflected from a radiator.

Slot-hole октрон – октрон in which between a radiator and the receiver of radiation for management of a light stream establish lightproof заслонку.

Волстрон – optoelectronic the semi-conductor device in which optical communication(connection) between a radiator and the receiver of radiation is carried out on the extended optical channel.

The note. The radiator and the receiver of radiation can have circuits of an electronic frame.

Оптопреобразовательoptoelectronic the semi-conductor device with one or several p-n the transitions, working in a mode of transfer and (or) reception of optical radiation.

Ruler optoelectronic semi-conductor devices – set optoelectronic the semi-conductor devices located with set step on one line.

Matrix optoelectronic semi-conductor devices – set оптоэлектронных the semi-conductor devices grouped in lines and столбцам.


Elements of a design

Conclusion of the semi-conductor device (Anschluss eines Halbleiterbauelementes, Terminal of a semiconductor device) – an element of a design of the case of the semi-conductor device, necessary for connection of a corresponding electrode with an external electric circuit.

The basic conclusion of the semi-conductor device (Basisanschluss eines Halbleiterbauelementes, Main terminal) – a conclusion through which the basic current proceeds.

Cathodic conclusion of the semi-conductor device (Katodenanschluss eines Halbleiterbauelementes, Cathode terminal of a semiconductor device) - a conclusion from which the direct current flows in an external electric circuit.

Anodi conclusion of the semi-conductor device (Anodenanschluss eines Halbleiterbauelementes, Anode terminal of a semiconductor device) – a conclusion to which the direct current flows from an external electric circuit.

Managing conclusion of the semi-conductor device (Gate terminal of a semiconductor device) – a conclusion through which flows, only a current of management.

The case of the semi-conductor device (Gehause eines Halbleiterbauelementes, Package of a semiconductor device) – a part of a design of the semi-conductor device, intended for protection against influence of an environment, and also for connection of the device to external circuits with the help of conclusions.

Bodiless the semi-conductor device (Gehauseloses Halbleiterbauelement, Beam lead semiconductor device) – the semi-conductor device protected by the case and intended for use in hybrid integrated microcircuits, sealable blocks and the equipment.

Semi-conductor radiating element – a part of the semi-conductor device of display the information consisting of the radiating surface and contacts for connection to the electric circuit.

Electrode of the semi-conductor device (Electrode of a semiconductor device) – the part of the semi-conductor device providing electric contact between certain area of the semi-conductor device and a conclusion.

GOST 15133-77 (СТ СЭВ 2767-80)